No yearly servicing is required. The Asens+, Versa and Autoplus (Serial Number starts from 58C) allows you to do DIY maintenance. All you need to do is to replace the cartridge every year. The cartridge can be bought online. […]
FAQ Category: Maintenance
J. How often should I replace the cartridge?
The cartridge must be replaced every year for optimal performance. However, if the environment is polluted, you may need to replace the cartridge earlier. […]
I. How do I know if it’s time to replace the cartridge?
For Asens+ and Autoplus When the hissing sound becomes faint or not apparent, it is time to replace the cartridge. For Versa 25 and Versa 45 There is a smart cartridge reminder inbuilt in the unit. The front LED indicator light will blink every second to remind you that it’s time to replace the cartridge. […]
H. How do I know if the device is functioning?
Firstly, when the device is turned on, the front LED light will be lit. Secondly, you can detect a slight hissing sound when you place your ear next to the device. […]
G. I cannot detect the metallic smell from the MedKlinn Air+Surface Sterilizer anymore, has is malfunctioned?
Smell should not be used to determine the effectiveness of the device. Smell is very subjective and can vary from one location to another and at different times. A rough indication to determine if the device is operating is to detect hissing sounds from the unit. Place the unit next to your ear to detect […]
F. How do I ensure that my Medklinn Air+Surface Sterilizer is always working optimally?
Replace the unit’s cartridge every year for optimal performance. 3 Golden Rules in Using Medklinn Air+Surface Sterilizers (Applicable for Home Series) Rule 1: Turn it on 24/7. It’s designed to be “always-on”. No worries, it uses less than 6.5 watts/hour. Rule 2: Shut all doors and windows. Treat it like your “fresh-air” producer. You don’t […]
E. What should I do if the LED light of the device is not lit?
Please send your unit to the Authorized Medklinn Service Centre to have it serviced. […]
D. There is no hissing sound after I changed the Cerafusion™ Cartridge?
First, check if the Cerafusion™ Cartridge is properly inserted into the cartridge holder. If it is properly inserted and there is still no hissing sound, replace a new Cerafusion™ Cartridge or contact your authorized MedKlinn Service Centre to have the unit checked. […]
C. How do I change the cartridge?
Replacing the cartridge is quite easy. Watch the video below for quick instruction. Asens+ Versa Autoplus […]
B. Do I need to do any other cleaning?
Generally, all Medklinn devices do not require cleaning. You only need to replace the cartridge every year, which can be done on your own easily. […]